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Issue in Accounting Theory
Question: What is the Issue in Accounting Theory ? Answer : Presentation This paper means to give a basic investigation of the a...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Symbolism in Kafkas Metamorphosis - 903 Words
Symbolism in Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Kafka uses symbolism in his short story, Metamorphosis. He uses this technique to make the reader try and figure out what was going on in his head. He brought out in this story many things about his life, including his father/family, love life, and his future. He used metaphors to show his love for people in his life. This story is autobiographical about the forces that control Franz Kafkas life. In this paper I will explain how Kafka relates his life to the readers through the story in Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka had trouble at home with his father. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but Franz did not want to be a lawyer, he wanted to be a writer.†¦show more content†¦Gregor?s becoming an insect symbolizes the changes in Kafka?s life from being a slave to his father and doing everything that his father wanted him to do (for instance being a lawyer) to doing nothing at all. Gregor?s death symbolized that Kafka had failed to communicate with his family. They thought of him as an insect, and he too thought that he was an insect, because he was looking at himself through their eyes. Through his family?s eyes they saw Gregor as an insect. He wished that they could love him for his true self, even though he was in the form of an insect. If Gregor was able to be accepted as a insect, by his family then maybe he would have been able to metamorphosis back into a human. They could not except him he was different than them and people are afraid of change and someone who is different. Same thing with Franz, writers were unknown to the Kafka family in a way almost bug like or alien to them. They could not handle the change. Gregor could not be accepted or understood by the ones that need to understand him most. He died from a lack of love and respect from his family, the ones whom he needed love from the most. Franz was hurt from being considered an outsider by his family. Both Franz and Gregor both did not get the love or a understanding from their fathers that they needed. They never had any love or understanding from their arrogant fathers. Kafka had many otherShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis 3979 Words  | 16 PagesAustin Day Professor Imali Abala English 357 18 February 2015 The Theme of Alienation in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka in 1915 is said to be one of the greatest literary works of all time and is seen as one of Kafka’s best and most popular works of literature. A relatively short novel; the story explains how the protagonist, Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a vermin which completely estranges him from the world even moreRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1872 Words  | 8 PagesThe Metamorphosis: Reappraised The novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka was first published in 1915. This novella shows the degree of loyalty a family has to even their own family members; this case being Gregor Samsa, his mother, his father, and his sister Grete Samsa. Upon reading the novella, it becomes evident that Gregor’s care for his family is pure and genuine, which, throughout the short story, leaves a small feeling of melancholy due to the fact that the family never really returnedRead MoreAbsurdity Between Kafka and Camus4307 Words  | 18 PagesThis paper seeks to compare and contrast the philosophical views of two great philosophers, namely Albert Camus and Franz Kafka. The works involved in this argument are Kafkas The Metamorphosis and Camus The Outsider. The chief concern of both writers is to find a kind of solution to the predicament of modern man and his conflict with machines and scientific theories. Death, freedom, truth and identity are themes to be studies here in the sense of absurdity.  Kafka was born in Prague in 1883.Read MoreSymbolic Similarities in The Shunammite and The Metamorphosis2786 Words  | 12 PagesHelthall 1 Travis Helthall Professor Rich Carpenter ENGL102-09 English Composition II May 8, 2012 Symbolic Similarities Research Paper The definition of metamorphosis as told by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is as follows â€Å"a marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching.†(1) Whereas the Shunammite is just a woman hailing from Shumen, although the name is more so known for the biblical
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Plato s Euthyphro The Moral Debate Between Euthyphro...
Term Paper on Plato’s ‘Euthyphro’ The play ‘Euthyphro’ by Plato, discusses about the moral debate between Euthyphro and Socrates on their theories and opinions on the pious and the impious, based on the actions that the Gods would decide and judge upon. In the beginning of the play, after Euthyphro enquires from Socrates about his reason for being present in King Archon’s court, to which he informs him on how he was indicted by Meletus for corrupting the people’s minds against the Gods, Socrates enquires about Euthyphro’s presence at court, which he replies that he is prosecuting against his father for murder of a labourer, who was one of Euthyphro’s defendants, which leaves Socrates surprised. Nonetheless, what leaves Socrates astonished about Euthyphro’s confidence on his father’s prosecution on murder, when he shares his, his father and family’s thought on this prosecution as: â€Å"it is impious for a son to prosecute his father for murder. But their ideas of the divine attitude to piety and impiety are wrong, Socrates.†(4e, Grube and Cooper, p.5) Becoming fascinated about the knowledge of the divine and of piety and impiety, Socrates tells Euthyphro: â€Å"It is indeed most important, my admirable Euthyphro, that I should become your pupil, and as regards this indictment, challenge Meletus about these very things and say to him: that in the past too I considered knowledge about the divine to be most important, and that now that he says I am guilty of improvising andShow MoreRelatedPlato s Euthyphro And Apology893 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophers are known to question, analyze and evaluate everything but do not always end with concrete conclusions. Plato’s Euthyphro and Apology, to no surprise, highlight one of such debate: the human characteristics of wisdom. Though Plato was one of the earliest philosophers, the topic of wisdom is still debated by modern philosophers today, contemplating questions such as â€Å"What are the classifications of ‘wisdom’?†According to Plato’s two dialogues , the characteristics of wisdom have a strongRead MoreEssay Music and Morality1472 Words  | 6 PagesE, during the time of philosophers like Socrates and Plato, music (although much different from what it is today) greatly influenced the mores of society. In the earliest times it was deemed inappropriate and unlawful for music to have an inhibitory affect on the mores of society. As history unfolds itself however, we come to see how greatly this changes. In the days of the above Greek philosophers, society had the ultimate say in the influence of moral content in music. However, in the courseRead MoreSocrates : The Soul Man2954 Words  | 12 PagesSocrates: Soul Man Intro (245 words) How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was - such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth.†- Apology, 17A So, as told by Plato, Socrates began his defence before an Athenian jury on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth of the city. However, the real aim of these accusations seems to have been toRead MoreSocrates and Properties Essay3228 Words  | 13 Pages Socrates and Properties By Characterizing himself –Socrates- as both ignorant and wise, he presents us with one of the most striking paradoxes. Like so many of the other philosophers, is provocative in that its apparent self-contradiction hides an important idea for us readers to discover. Though out this text Socrates ignorance results from his belief that he has no knowledge of moral idea, or moral properties, such as justice, virtue, piety, and beauty. He asserts that, if only he knew theRead MoreSocrates And Confucius As Teachers3484 Words  | 14 PagesSocrates and Confucius as Educators Neither Confucius nor Socrates were regarded widely in their lifetimes as highly valuable and distinguished men. Their fates were colored with tragic hues, but their ethics have survived them and become immortalized as treasures of world culture. Socrates had a formative influence on Western philosophy, and he emphasized logical method, the meaning of human experience, and the quest for eudaimonia through moral excellence. His famous paradox, that no one does wrong
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Pharmacology Diagnosis and Treatment
Question: Discuss about the case study Pharmacology for Diagnosis and Treatment. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop an evidence-based pharmacology paper on Asthma. It will give relevant information about the diagnosis and treatment of Asthma. It will review the current literature on asthma and identify what is known and what is known about the issues present in the disease process. The paper will explain the possible approaches to the treatment of the condition and will defend the final selection of therapy from other procedures. Finally, it will refer the follow-up treatment options for patients with Asthma and accordingly create a referral plan for treatment of Asthma. Pathophysiology of Asthma Asthma is a pulmonary condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways of the lungs due to tightening of respiratory smooth muscles and events of bronchoconstriction. About 5% of children with Asthma suffer from severe exacerbation due to Asthma in spite of treatment with a variety of drugs. Severe asthma is characterized by structural changes of airways, comorbidities due to reduced lung function, airflow obstruction, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The common symptoms in asthma patients are wheeziness, asthma, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Approximately 26 million people are affected by the disease in U.S., and it is prevalent in 1 in 11 children (Holgate, 2012). It may be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Exposure to air allergens and medications like aspirin triggers the disease. The disease is diagnosed by the pattern of symptoms, response to therapy and pulmonary function test in individuals. The pathophysiology of asthma is a complex process and mainly involves the following components: Airway inflammation: The severity of asthma is divided in to acute, subacute or chronic airway inflammation. Airway inflammation is triggered by eosinophil infiltration, mucus hypersecretion, muscle hyperplasia and desquamation of epithelium. Mast cells, eosinophils, epithelial cells, macrophages and activated T-lymphocytes are responsible for airway inflammation. Airway hyperresponsiveness occurs in response to exogenous and endogenous stimuli. Pharmacologically active substance stimulates smooth muscles of airways. In chronic asthma patient, hyperplasia of smooth muscles may not be reversible. Cytokine imbalance is the reason for the rise in cases of Asthma in developed countries (Obaseki et al., 2014). Airflow obstruction: Airflow Obstruction in Asthma patient is caused by acute bronchoconstriction, airway edema, and chronic mucous formation. The release of immunoglobin E-dependent mediator in response to aeroallergens leads to acute bronchoconstriction, and it is the manifestation of early asthmatic response. Airway edema occurs after 6-20 hours of allergen exposure, and long-standing inflammation may result in structural changes in the airway. It severely influences the reversibility of airway obstruction (Lange, 2013). Bronchial hyperresponsiveness: Alveolar hypoxia, inconsistent airflow resistance and change in airway circulation due to hyperinflation lead to ventilation-perfusion mismatch. Generally in the early stages of asthma, patient suffers from acute hypoxemia due to inability of carbon dioxide retention. It further leads to decrease in PaCo2 and worsening of airways obstruction. In later stages, increases cardiac output lead to metabolic acidosis because of retention of carbon dioxide (Guan et al., 2014). Age is also a factor for the continuum of disease. Recent studies on condition have revealed that deficits in lung function have been seen in only those children where the symptoms started within three years of life. This will be a major challenge in designing intervention for asthma. So it is necessary to distinguish between patients whose symptoms become evident before three years and between those whose symptoms occurs after six years age. The risk factors identified for developing asthma in children younger than three years include parental history of asthma, sensitization to aeroallergens evidence of sensitization to certain foods (Stucky et al., 2014). Genomic issues in disease process Asthma has affected millions individual worldwide. The complex etiology of asthma is related to genetic and environmental factors. The genome-wide studies on asthma have shown that genes encoding epithelial cell-cytokines, an IL-33 and IL1RL1 gene encoding IL-3 receptor, ST2 facilitate the activation of T-helper cells and lead to the pathogenesis of asthma. This finding of susceptible asthma genes has helped in expanding the understanding of the biological pathways that are dysregulated in asthma patients. Further study will assist in unraveling the complex mechanism of disease traits and the treatment procedure (Ferreira et al., 2014). 50% of asthma case occurs due to genetic susceptibility and 50% due to environmental factors. Various researches have been done regarding genetic predisposition to asthma, but still identification of all asthma genes has not yet been possible. Positional cloning study has identified five asthma genes (ADAM33, DPP10, GRPA, PHF11 and SPINK5). However, the exact function of this gene is still not clear. Some suggested that they deal with damage caused by external environment, or they exerted their effect within cells of the mucosa. Therefore the detail about exact function of asthma-related gene is still incomplete, and further research needs to do to relate epithelial barrier to gene interaction (Wan et al., 2012). Literature reviews on asthma and its treatment A study on genetic research on severe asthma revealed that hereditary and environmental factors are responsible for developing asthma. Many studies tried to identify the genetic cause of asthma by gene expression and epigenetic studies. It helped in the analysis of functional genes involved. This study reviewed the recent findings on genetic research studies of asthma. It revealed that genes like IL4RA and two SNPs were responsible for severe exacerbation lowered lung function in asthma patients. The heritability of asthma is up to 70 % in children and methods developed in parallel with Human Genome Project has helped in identifying the genetic causes of asthma. It also explained the susceptibility of asthma due to gene-environment interaction such as air pollution, tobacco smoke and genes involved in the anti-oxidative system, inflammatory response and innate immunity. These factors have induced the formation of airway inflammation and development of asthma symptoms (Melen Pershage n, 2012). Another study investigated the involvement of mast cells in the development of stress due to asthma by the activation of corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). The study was dependent on epidemiological data linking stress to asthma and their explanation on how stress has an affect on asthma. The study showed that stress might be related to socioeconomic status, interpersonal conflicts, emotional stress and terrorism. It showed an association between all forms of stress and asthma manifestation. It proposed that mast cells, responsible for asthma is activated by CRH and it is secreted mainly under stress in the lungs. This leads to the release of proinflammatory mediators triggered by the cytokine. The study concluded that more research is required to investigate CRH release and reducing stress by mast cell blockers to find a new therapeutic approach to asthma (Theoharides et al., 2012). The studies on treatment of asthma revealed that advances in biological therapies could be useful for the treatment of chronic asthma. It showed that recent research on the knowledge of asthma pathobiology has lead to the approval of humanized immunoglobulin E-targeted antibody Omalizumab. It suggested that this add-on treatment will help in assist in controlling severe cases of airway diseases. There is also much evidence to support that interleukin-5 and IL-13 specific drugs are efficient for treating asthma. It has helped to change the scenario of asthma conditions in patients. It explained that therapeutic response might differ from one individual to another, and the need is to characterize asthma subtypes so that phenotype-targeted biologics treatment can be implemented (Pelaia et al., 2012). One literature investigated whether Omalizumab can make the difference in treating asthma exacerbation. The drug has been shown to decrease the rate of hospitalizations in patients with severe uncontrolled asthma. The study analyzed the condition under which Omalizumab is prescribed to patients and investigated whether it utilizes additional treatment to decrease the symptoms or not. It collected data on asthma treatment with oral corticosteroids but no use of Omalizumab. It assesses the risk of hospitalization for asthma two months before Omalizumab treatment. The comparison with patients who used Omalizumab showed that adjusted relative risk of hospitalization decreased significantly in patients with asthma. So it concludes that use of Omalizumab with add-on treatment is useful for reducing the risk of hospitalization due to asthma (Grimaldi-Bensouda et al., 2013). Approach to literature review The plan for collecting data was to find evidence-based pharmacology papers on asthma which revealed the reasons for the manifestation of the disease condition, and they key treatment available for the illness. They key words used were pathogenesis of asthma', the socioeconomic stress of asthma, morbidity related to asthma, and recent treatment procedure for asthma. The information was collected from ScienceDirect, Pubmed data bases, Medscape data, journal articles of applied physiology, and journal articles of the American Chest Physician and content of Drug Discovery database. The approach was to find recent development in disease findings and treatment. The purpose was also to identify the drawbacks of the literature and find that information which has not yet been researched for a proper understanding of the conditions of asthma and its cause. Published clinical guideline for asthma The American Thoracic Society (ATS) and European Respiratory Society (ERS) developed a guideline on evaluation and treatment of asthma in children and adults. It gave detail on how to confirm the diagnosis of asthma and how to differentiate between severe asthma and mild asthma. Next step was to determine whether asthma was under control or not. Then the pathophysiology of the disease was evaluated, and it recognized factors like environmental exposure, genetic cause, adaptive immunity, activation of innate immune pathways and structural abnormality as the cause of illness. It also analyzed the efficacy of different treatment options and its particular use in special groups of patients (Chung et al., 2013). Various possible approach for the treatment of asthma No single approach to treatment is appropriate for all asthma patients. The need is to identify which approach will be suitable for the particular patient according to the pattern of symptoms observed in them. The goal of treatment procedure is to control chronic symptoms of asthma and minimize morbidities from acute asthmatic episodes. The approach to asthma management is divided into three age groups mainly 0-4 years, 5-11 years and above 12 years. All patients should be assessed every six months for asthma control. The following are the possible approach of treatment: Proper use of medication: Quick relief medicines like rapid-acting beta2 agonist and anticholinergics is required in asthma patients to control sudden flare up of asthma symptoms. These are bronchodilator drugs which expand the airway and helps control exercise-induced asthma. It minimizes the symptoms, but it does not control airway inflammation. Chronic asthma patients require long-term medicines like inhaled corticosteroids, immunomodulators, leukotrienes modifiers and theophylline to reduce symptoms. It helps to reduce airway inflammation and preventing symptoms from starting point. It helps avoid the chain reaction associated with asthma symptoms. Other medicines include Cromolyn inhaled through nebulizer and Omalizumab injection shots which eliminate response generated due to allergen exposure (Fajt, Wenzel, 2015). Use of immunotherapy: Allergy shots are used in treating that asthma which is triggered by an allergen. It gives patient relieves from allergy symptoms and build immunity against the allergens like pollens, dust mite, etc. The dose of injection is increased with time and eventually reduces symptoms. Sublingual tablets are also used to impart immunity against certain allergens (Lin et al., 2013). Use of anti-interleukin-5 therapy: Some asthma leads to fatal or near-fatal exacerbations. Another approach to treating symptoms of asthma includes pharmacological management by identifying specific cytokines involved. Eosinophils play key role in the progression of asthma causing airway damage due to the various mechanisms. Numerous clinical trials have shown that activation of eosinophils is regulated by interleukin-5. Therefore interfering with eosinophil function or reducing it numbers can be a useful approach for targeting cytokine receptor interaction like IL-5 (Garcia et al., 2013). Treatment for special groups: Diagnosis of asthma in children below five years is difficult. They are generally treated by long-term control medicines. Treatment of asthma in an older patient is also difficult as they take other drugs like aspirin which may worsen the symptoms. Inhaling corticosteroids may also lead to weakness of bones. Pregnant women develop the risk of high blood pressure and protein in the urine. It may result in early birth and symptoms is managed by medicines. Final selection of approach The identification of drawbacks in each treatment option will help in selecting the final approach for the treatment process. Although long-term medications are beneficial, inhaled corticosteroids reduce child's growth rate. Asthma medications may control symptoms, but discontinuation of corticosteroid therapy leads to remission of symptoms. Use of medication also lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis which a doctor has to control immediately. Short and long-acting beta agonist bronchodilators are useful in treating patients with severe asthma but develop risk of toxicity. Often more dose is recommended than actually stated in expert guidelines. Leukotrienes modifiers had shown to prevent exacerbation when combined corticosteroid therapy. Immunotherapy helps in controlling allergen associated asthma by reducing the response to allergens. But it is often related to severe anaphylaxis leading to death. It is also risky for children below two years and pregnant women. Therefore counting on the associated risk factors, it is estimated that anti-interleukin therapy will be the best approach for treating asthma (Ober, Yao, 2011). Interluekin-5 has been found to play a significant role in eosinophilic inflammation in asthma. Recent research on the trial of anti-IL-5 therapy showed that it has significantly reduced the morbidity associated with asthma. IL-5 antagonism has helped patient with the hypereosinophyllic syndrome to lessen the dose of corticosteroids significantly, and it also assisted in marinating the count of eosinophils. It was found to be beneficial in treating both children and adults. This evidence further supported in the final selection of anti-IL-5 therapy as the most useful approach to treating patients with asthma and hypereosinophilic syndrome. This therapy is advisable for patients who are receiving other high doses of glucocorticoids and who continue to have high eosinophil count in sputum (Liu et al., 2013). Follow up treatment After the final selection of therapy process for asthma, it is necessary for the patient to make an asthma response plan. It will clearly state the daily dose of medication and when it should be taken. Follow-up treatment is also dependent on how far symptoms are under control in individual patients and the frequency of asthma attacks. The asthma control may change with time, so it necessary to monitor asthma symptoms from a doctor every six months. If the symptoms are not in control, then the medication may be increased, and if it is decreasing, treatment process may be lowered. This adjustment to medication is the best way manage and control severity of asthma disease in patients (Kang et al., 2013). Conclusion On the whole, it can be concluded that the paper gave useful evidence-based information on the pathophysiology of asthma disease and the efficacy of treatment options. Through the review of the literature on asthma, it found out recent development about the illness. Secondly, analysis of the different approach to asthma treatment helped in defending the best choice possible for the health of patient and minimizing the symptoms of asthma. It gave useful information into additional follow treatment in such patient too. Reference Chung, K. F., Wenzel, S. E., Brozek, J. L., Bush, A., Castro, M., Sterk, P. J., ... Boulet, L. P. (2013). International ERS/ATS guidelines on definition, evaluation and treatment of severe asthma.European Respiratory Journal, erj02020-2013. Fajt, M. L., Wenzel, S. E. (2015). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
The concept of Arete from Homer to Socrates Essay Sample free essay sample
The Grecian word Arete is one of the most articulated term in ancient Grecian history. Though it denotes somewhat different significances for different Grecian Personalities and philosophers. the common Greek used it to intend â€Å"goodness†or â€Å"excellence†of any sort. But its English interlingual rendition would be â€Å"virtue†. Ancient Greeks used the word to depict anything in its best signifier. But applied to human it denotes certain significances to different philosophers in clip. It earliest visual aspect in Grecian Hagiographas implies the fulfilment of intent or map or the act of populating up to one’s full potency. To the classical Grecian civilization. it refers to the flawlessness of the male signifier and organic structure when it reached the age of about 20 old ages old. Homer didn’t apply Arete in such gender specific use. In Homeric Hagiographas. he used it to depict his heroes. both Trojan and Greek likewise. every bit good as female figures like Penelope. We will write a custom essay sample on The concept of Arete from Homer to Socrates Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is used to intend nomadic sleight. with particular mention to strength and bravery. In his verse form. Homer normally associated the Arete with courage. but more frequently. with effectiveness. In Odyssey. Penelope’s Arete. for illustration. relates to cooperation. . ( Hooker. 1996 ) In the Homeric universe. the adult male or adult female of Arete is person who has achieved his/her highest effectivity. They are able to use all of their modules. abilities and potencies available to them. Like bravery. power. obliquity and smarting. to accomplish their intent. . Through homer Hagiographas we can surmise the early Grecian universe position if individualism. Homers construct of Arete entails his position of a human centered existence wherein single human actions are of great significance home runs sees the universe as a topographic point of divergency and trouble. therefore. the value of a individual is measured against single effectivity to cover with the universe. . ( Hooker. 1996 ) Mentions: Hooker. R. ( 1996 ) . Arete: Virtue. Excellence. Goodness. Retrieved Obctober 27. 2006. from hypertext transfer protocol: //wsu. edu/~dee/GLOSSARY/ARETE. HTM
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Arab Nations Essay Example
Arab Nations Essay Example Arab Nations Essay Arab Nations Essay World War to current day, the Arabs have struggled to create a prospering nation of their own. The Arab states are underdeveloped because of the lack of support from the sthronger nations around the world. The most important questions to be asked are why is the Middle East such a mess? How can the United States help? And How are they helping themselves? The Middle East has gone through years of hardship even though they were one a dominant culture. The Middle East is a mess for numerous reasons starting with the first world ar. After the great powers of England and France won the first world war, there was a lot of land to divide up and give away. Through the Husan-McMahon Letter, a portion of the Ottoman Empire was promised to the Arabs in order for them to form there own homeland. Although, this land was promised land was also promised to the Jews, who altimatley received there own homeland. The Arabs were angered by this which started a permanent grudge against the worlds super powers. Following this England and France put there own allies in power over the Arab states. This only ook the anger of the Arabs further which would altimately started revolts. The strict religious governments and corrupt governments over powered the freedom of the Arab people. Without freedom the public felt as though there own government had betrayed them. These governments only pointed to one country which is the United States. The US has been involved in many world affairs, but we have failed to help the Arabs because of our partnership with Israel. The US can help the Arab states by providing them with materials to take over there own country. If the Arabs can finally ave there own homeland it might start recovering a huge gap between the two cultures. Also, America should allow Arab sstudents to study in America and learn our culture closer. This will allow the Arab people to know more about us. Lastly, In the future America should be able to have peace treaties with the Arab people so that we can have an end to this brutal war and hatred. The Arab states have finally learned of there own strength in recent events. Since 2010 there have been movements known as the Arap spring, This movement is revolts against corrupt governments to put democracy into place. The Arabs are helping themselves by forming together and forcing change on there governments. Instead of waiting for help like there were doing, they decided to take control of there own country. By putting a democracy together these nations will come together through equality. The underdeveloped Arab states are there own faults even though they do not nave tnere own nomelana. we nave now seen nat t tne Aran states dont need nelp from superpowers and can do it on there own. The questions of the middle east have shown that there is a lot of anger towards the United States.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Quotes About What a 50th Birthday Means
Quotes About What a 50th Birthday Means If you are turning fifty, my hearty congratulations on the golden jubilee celebrations! Let the wine pour and the music roll, as you watch your life unfurl. Now that you are free of several responsibilities, you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Here are some wonderful 50th birthday quotes to keep you rocking for the next decade! Victor Hugo: Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.TS Eliot: The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down.Sophie Tucker: From birth to age eighteen, a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five, she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five, she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on she needs good cash.Coco Chanel: Nature gives you the face you have at twenty, but its up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The heyday of womans life is the shady side of fifty!Bob Geldof: I do think I feel it but you dont think you are cause at a certain time you are no age but you dont think you are anything. You feel the life you have lived. I feel that. Its been a long fifty years.Dawn Wells: Just because a woman is over fifty does not mean she no longer has anything to offer. If anything, we have so much more to offer! We have lived life, we get better with age. I do my best work now in my 60s. Sure, I could retire; but what would I do? Play Bingo? I think not! Cindy Crawford: The face you have at age twenty-five is the face God gave you, but the face you have after fifty is the face you earned.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Describe an imaginary place that young children would enjoy.Write the Essay
Describe an imaginary place that young children would enjoy.Write the description so readers can visualize as they read - Essay Example The maids bring them whatever they wish for. They take the children to swings and play games with them. The garden is followed by a huge row of palaces made of pearls and gold. They are made for kind and gentle people to live in who are all dressed in crimson. As children pass by them, they welcome them and offer them to come into their palaces. The palaces have jewels scattered all over and the children jump and play with joy. The sky is full of colors, and there are rainbows of striking colors which no one has seen in this world. The children can touch the rainbows and climb over it waiving at each other with amusement. Lovely parrots and pigeons fly over them singing songs in their sweet voices. The children then jump over the soft clouds which offer them cozy beds made up of water vapors, on which the children lie down to take the sweetest sleep they can ever get.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Global strategic Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global strategic Planning - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that Zipcar was founded in the year 2000 and has been able to become one of the major players in the automobile rental segment in the United States market. This essay discusses that the company offers membership-based car rental services to the consumer market segment and has its headquarters in Boston. The members can hire a car and pay the bill either day basis or hourly basis. The researcher states that the company was founded was Robin Chase and Antje Danielson, and has now grown as a major player and also operates in international markets of Spain, Canada, Austria, and the UK. The company provides rental services to about 1million customers and the members can even book the car for a day or even for a year. The company even has expanded its member base mainly because of the reference and positive word of mouth that is given by the members. The company operates in markets of US, UK, Canada, Austria, and Spain. However with the increa sed pace of competition in the market the markets where the company operates has become highly saturated with a large number of competitors. The expansion into other markets is a very strategic decision that is taken into account by a company when it faces some problems in the current market or when it identifies some great opportunities that are prevailing in other markets that could be beneficial for the company.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Truth in Management and Power Relationships Essay Example for Free
Truth in Management and Power Relationships Essay Throughout history, philosophers have come up with their versions of the actual definition for ‘truth’. The Greek philosopher Aristotle had explained truth as â€Å"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true†[1]. Aristotle explains that truth can be described as that something that is definite and distinct in its own form, nature or identity. Another Greek sophist and philosopher Protagoras held the view that â€Å"man is the measure of all things, of things that are that they are, and of things that are not that they are not†[2]. According to him, every person’s opinion of truth is based his or her own perception of truth. In the famous Greek poet Homer’s epic Odyssey, there is one instance when the Greek hero Odysseus did not actually reveal the truth when he says â€Å"I will tell you all the truth†[3]. In his epics, there are characters that hold back information or tell lies. In the present day management, we have to be cautious as to how we go about telling the truth to our subordinates or colleagues. There are multiple scenarios that we have to consider before revealing the truth. Sometimes, we may end up in situations whereby we have to cover up the truth to protect our integrity and position in the company or organization. Socrates, an Athenian Greek Philosopher once quoted: â€Å"You, my friend, are you not ashamed of heaping up the greatest amount of money and honour and reputation, and caring so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of yourself which you never regard or heed at all? [2]†We can relate to his quote in today’s fast paced times, when in the quest for power, wealth and reputation, we tend to forget our very basic virtues of being righteous and truthful. I can quote an example of my personal experience whilst working in a semiconductor company where my supervisor and colleague were from Philippines. I used to have reservations initially in opening up to my colleagues and then as the months passed, I started confiding with my Filipino colleague regarding a couple of problems I had with the company management style and extremely long working hours. He then later betrayed the faith that I had in him when he passed on all the complaints over to my supervisor behind my back. Since then, the company management started to ignore my inputs and started giving me disapproving eyes at every meeting. The lesson we can learn from that was to ensure that certain truths however cumbersome they may be to carry around, we have to ensure that they stay hidden away due to the competitiveness and lack of trust among employees in today’s management. The Greek philosopher Plato once said â€Å"You should not honor men more than truth[4]†but in today’s world of management, the key areas of output and performance are valued more highly than the truthful principles at work. Power relationships play a very important role in management in the present day. These relationships have taken on a very aggressive dimension nowadays with the current crop of power hungry managers. In my opinion, we need to build such relationships with our colleagues as well as our superiors to firstly sustain ourselves for the long run and then to ensure that we maintain a steady progress throughout our careers. From my personal experience while working with my previous employer, I used to notice that my team consisted of mainly Filipinos, Indians, Malaysians and Chinese. They used to split up into their respective nationality groups and stay together always while doing work and used to provide assistance and useful advice only to their countrymen when in need. Those groups kept trying out negative organizational politics against each other to ensure that none of them could grow in the company so as to attain overall power. The organizational politics at my company even went upto the higher management where in the promotions were dedicated only to their respective countrymen and was not based on ability or performance. The higher management even had absolute control of the human resource (HR) department whereby the hiring of new staff was prioritized based on nationality of the hiring manager or supervisor rather than giving priority to the qualification and experience of the new recruits. Quoting from Plato, â€Å"The measure of a man is what he does with power[4]†, in management terms, his words signify that a true ability of a manager can only be determined by how he utilizes his power effectively in the context of an organizational environment. The Greek Philosopher Socrates had once said: â€Å"Esteemed friend, citizen of Athens, the greatest city in the world, so outstanding in both intelligence and power, arent you ashamed to care so much to make all the money you can, and to advance your reputation and prestigewhile for truth and wisdom and the improvement of your soul you have no care or worry[2]†. This quotation is apt in describing the insatiable need for wealth among the Athenians in those days for gaining reputation and prestige at the cost of their moral values like truth and wisdom. Socrates’ words can even be applied with respect to today’s management style. In the current times, taking into account the fallout from the financial crisis and its impact on the organizations, managers get even more reluctant to follow the truthful ideologies and instead strongly engage in strengthening their power relationships with other hierarchical members within their organizations to establish a strong foothold for themselves in the industry. References: 1. Owens, J., Doctrine of Being in the Aristotelian Metaphysics. 3rd ed1978, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 2. Spillane, R. , An Eye For An I: Living Philosophy2007, Melbourne: Michelle Anderson Publishing. 3. Thiselton, A. C. , The New international dictionary of New Testament theology, ed. B. Colin. Vol. 3. 1978, Exeter: Paternoster Press. 4. Stavropoulos, S. , The Beginning of All Wisdom: Timeless Advice from the Ancient Greeks. 1st ed2003: Da Capo Press.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Crusader Castles: A Medieval Culmination :: miscellaneous
Crusader Castles: A Medieval Culmination King Edward I of England made a number of military campaigns during his reign, in two of which he captured modern-day Wales. In order to hold his gains he built a series of castles, which are said to still be some of the world’s greatest strongholds. But, over 3500 kilometres away a period of fascinating castle building took place prior to Edward’s as a result of the crusades. These constructions were designed by absorbing the constructive wisdom of the crusaders and those they came into contact with. The crusader castles were built faster, larger, and stronger, to create what are without a doubt, the world’s greatest strongholds. The crusaders designed their castles to provide the essentials needed for survival while developing design techniques capable of turning a castle into a stronghold that were mimicked throughout the medieval world. Once their castles were designed the crusaders displayed a construction ability and ingenuity that turned the designs into r eality, taking any material they could obtain and use it to create anything they needed. So successful was their construction that attacking forces of incredibly larger numbers were needed to capture only a select few of the castles over a hundred year period, and often the circumstances of capture were not a fault of design but an unfortunate twist of fate. Through design, construction, and history, a picture emerges of a pioneering period of military construction that was never matched. The design of a castle is most certainly the greatest factor in its defensive capabilities, and many of the innovations credited to the development of the castle finds itself in the history of the crusades. The most significant development is the concentric castle; this is the concept in which the inner walls are able to fire over the outer walls, either because of close proximity or size. In this manner the maximum amount of firepower can be directed at any one point. Belvoir (See Fig. 1 in appendix) is not only a perfect concentric castle but is also the first datable one (circa 1168). The outer wall was built with flanking towers and towers enforcing the centre of each wall span, with the exception of the gatehouse wall. This wall encloses an area of 130 x 100 meters1, making it one of the largest enclosure castles, it also encloses two further walls, the first of which has only one tower because of its close proximity to the outer wall, the inner wall is built with flanking towers to support the middle bailey.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
‘A PhD in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ †Statement of Purpose Essay
Statement of Purpose I am determined to pursue a PhD in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences with an emphasis on formulation and development of new drug entities. During pharmaceutics lab sessions in my second year as an undergraduate, I was engaged in making different drug formulations (Pharmaceutics). It was here I began to wonder how these dosage forms were being formulated to achieve optimum therapeutic response which led me to the goal of pharmaceutical technology. During my B.pharm in Pune University, my appetite for pharmaceutics led me to pursue a master’s in pharmaceutics. I worked hard, studying various Novel drug delivery systems such as Micro-particulate systems, chrono-modulated drug delivery systems, various polymeric dosage forms, etc. Not to negate this hard work, I couldn’t be more proud of what I accomplished in my research on the â€Å"Development and evaluation of Floating microspheres of Pioglitazone hydrochloride†and developed new dosage form for the delivery of the anti-diabetic drug. As compared to conventional dosage form (tablet) of Pioglitazone hydrochloride, this new dosage form prolongs the delivery of drug and retains it for nearly 12 hours in the stomach region, where maximum release of the drug is possible. My mark on the field has just begun My interests grew as I viewed at close quarters current developments in pharmaceutics, in particular as it relates to formulation and development of drug molecules. It is marvellous to see how a molecule, inefficacious in conventional formulations, can do wonders when used in a Novel Drug Delivery System like ‘Microparticles’. I feel the need to delve more deeply into my Master’s research topic of Microparticles and do more research into areas of Micro/nanotechnology, to study in detail the development of Micro/nanoparticles as carriers to deliver aniticancer agents, genes, vaccines, etc. I have published 2 research papers, 1 other is accepted for publication and another one under revision, which gave me intense experience of the overall procedure for publication from designing experiments 25/8/2013 2:13 PM ‘a PhD in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ – Statement of Purpose http://www.essayforum.com/graduate-essays-4/phd-field-pharmaceutic†¦ Inspiration and enthusiasm well up in me when I am at work; I have gained professional experience by working for about 1year as Trainee chemist (F&D) at Zest Pharma and about 6 months as Chemist (F&D) at Aristo Pharma in India. During this period I become completely familiar with Preformulation studies, Formulation development and standardization of different oral solid dosage forms. Of course now I want to move forward ahead toward a Ph.D. I chose National University of Singapore (NUS) because of the exceptional research projects in the field of Pharmaceutics. I am mostly intrigued by Dr. Chan’s project concerning study of different techniques of microencapsulation and also Dr. Liew’s projects on Granulation and pelletization techniques. I am confident of making an original contribution to the field of Pharmaceutics and also because the facilities at NUS seem to foster a healthy research environment as I could gather from the brochure of your department. Also NUS provides a very thorough and effective foundation for work in the Industrial/Organizational field. I intend to pursue a career in the area of research and development for private industry; therefore NUS’s high placement rate, along with all above qualities, is imperative to me and my career. It is my intention to make a significant contribution to my chosen field and I look forward to our relationship with great eagerness.  Nov 7, 2011, 06:43am #2 any one can please take a look at my SOP and comment on possible changes EF_Susan [Moderator] Nov 10, 2011, 12:25pm #3 My mark on the field has just begun. I feel the need to delve more deeply into my Master’s research topic of Microparticles and to do more research into areas of Micro/nanotechnology, to study in detail the development of Micro/nanoparticles as carriers to deliver aniticancer agents, genes, vaccines, etc. I have published 2 research papers, and one other is accepted for publication and another†¦ I have taught lectures & have taken practicals of Physical Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics-II) of second year under-graduate students. Of course n Now I want to move forward ahead toward a Ph.D. Looks like they’ll be very lucky to have you as a student!  Similar discussions: PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Rejected for the last time when applied) Reasons for applying Master of Science (MSc) programme in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Dynamic research group of UF; University of Florida/ PhD(Pharmaceutical Sciences)-SOP Thesis statement for my sop (field of lifesciences/clinical sciences) – Need ideas! Research on Jacalin plant; Study Objective for Fulbright – Pharmaceutical Sciences Statement of Purpose for a major in Fluid/Thermal Sciences (MS Mechanical) Statement of Purpose for Graduate School in Bioarchaeology field in the UK Statement of Purpose for Chemical engineering in smart polymer’s field (the field of Oncology) Statement of Purpose Masters in Physician Assistant â€Å"The burgeoning field of Computer Science†– my Statement of Purpose Random: Obeying to the demands of Mrs. Sanderson; Significant Experience/ UC This thread has been closed. 25/8/2013 2:13 PM ‘a PhD in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ – Statement of Purpose 4 of 4 http://www.essayforum.com/graduate-essays-4/phd-field-pharmaceutic†¦ 25/8/2013 2:13 PM
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Humanities Prejudice And Persecution Coursework Essay
Why did the Nazis hate the Jews? Did Nazi Propaganda make the German people prejudiced against the Jewish race? How successful were the policies of the Nazi government in establishing an anti- Semitic society? In this coursework I will be explaining why the Nazi’s hated the Jews. I will explain what propaganda is and if the Nazi propaganda makes the German people prejudiced against the Jewish race, and how successful the policies to establish an anti-Semitic were. The term prejudice means an attitude (about a person or group) that is formed without having all the facts. This usually involves disliking somebody, mostly because of their ethnicity, sexuality, religion etc. Prejudice attitudes are learned. For example children in Nazi Germany were taught to hate Jews, which is like anti- Semitic. Germans were influenced by the use of propaganda to prejudice them and make them discriminate against the Jews. The main reason for this was because of Adolf Hitler. The term discrimination means when treating someone in a different way, usually less well, because they belong to a particular group. The Nazi’s treated the Jews differently, due to their religion and they discriminated the Jews as they way they looked like. The term persecution is to treat an individual or group badly. Hitler persecuted the Jews as soon as he came to power in 1993. Adolf Hitler persecuted Jews in many different ways. The way that Hitler persecuted the Jews were: When Hitler seized power in 1933 he used his powers under the ‘enabling law’ to begin his attack on the Jews. In 1938 the attacks on the Jews became more violent with Himmler the head of the SS and the Gestapo launching Kristallnacht on 11th November 1938. By 1939, half of Germany’s 500,000 Jews had emigrated to escape Nazi persecution. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland which had a much larger population of 3 million Jews. In 1941, Germany invaded Russia which had a population of 5 million Jews. Himmler sent four special trained SS units called ‘Einsatzgruppen battalions’ into German occupied territory and shot at least 1 million Jews. Victims were taken to deserted areas where they were made to dig their own graves and shot. Nazi Propaganda: The Nazi’s propaganda in those days was seen as Anti Semitic. Propaganda was an organized way of media that convinced people this could be done by ideas, information, rumours or opinions. The major purpose for the Nazi’s propaganda was to make the German people prejudiced against the Jews race. Another purpose why propaganda was used was a ‘brainwashing’ of the public convincing them of an ideological viewpoint. The Nazi’s propaganda portrayed the Jews as: fat, greedy, lazy, people with big crooked noses, ugly, dark, hooded eyes, nasty, evil, disloyal, unclean, wealthy, powerful and sly. To do this the Nazi’s made sure that their propaganda’s were everywhere. They were more noticed on, for example; posters on windows, cars, walls and also the Nazi’s propaganda was broadcasted on television and films were also made to show the way Nazi’s prejudiced the Jews and was held on the radio. I will now be showing some propaganda posters, which shows positive posters and negative posters. image01.jpg ‘The External Jew’ Poster from a Museum. This propaganda shows a negative outlook about the Jews; it shows Jews being ugly with a crooked nose. The money portrays that Jews are selfish and are money grabbers in the German society. This poster explains the Jews being selfish as they have a lot of money. The whip in this poster indicates that Jews are trying to take control of the German society. This is a negative propaganda towards the Jews. A German Beer Mat This is a Negative propaganda, which shows a German beer mat with a Jew’s face on the mat. This beer mat that was created by the Germans and was put in all pubs. It also has a picture of a Jew showing a very ugly face. Jews are hated by the Germans. The Germans have created this image on the beer mat to show how much they hate the Jews and to show that they do not have any respect towards the Jews. This beer mat indicates ‘whoever buys from a Jew is a traitor to his people!’ People in pubs promote even more hatred against Jews. Anti- Semitic Propaganda in school An Anti-Semitic cartoon. From the German children’s book 1938 This is a negative propaganda which is taken from a German children’s book. This propaganda has both German children and Jewish children in a school. The stereotype here of the Jewish children is made to make them look horrible, dark and with big crooked noses. There is a distinct with the difference of Jews and Germans. Unlike the Jews the Germans stereotype was seen as clean and tidy and they are kept in a lighter area. From this propaganda you can clearly notify which children are Jewish or German as the stereotype comes in again. This propaganda is also to brainwash the German children. This poster explains Jews being kicked out of school, and is showing that without Jewish children the school is better. Showing the Ideal Aryan Family This propaganda is a Positive poster towards the Nazi’s. Because this is trying to promote the ‘Ideal Aryan Family’. We can see this is a positive propaganda as it shown by the fruit and flowers around the family. A fund raising poster for the Hitler Youth This is a Fund raising poster it shows a stunning Nazi girl. This is a positive propaganda towards the Germans. This poster indicates that Nazi’s are beautiful. They are pure good and generous. The tin displays the swastika, which is the Nazi symbol. Hitler posing with German children in 1936 This is a positive propaganda towards the Germans. This poster shows Hitler posing with 3 children from the Nazi Youth. They look extremely joyful as they are with who they believe was the ‘Saviour of Germany’. This poster explains Adolf Hitler is being seen as a father figure for the children. This also explains Hitler is trying to get their support for himself. A ‘Jew Free Area’ Sign This is a Jew Free area sign. From this sign, it shows that this leads to discrimination towards the Jews. This shows that Jews are restricted from going to swimming baths and public places. This propaganda was used to make the Jews jealous as they were unable to go to some places that had a sign like this. This shows Germans being good-looking and healthy, whereas in other propagandas it shows Jews being horrible and fat. In conclusion when the World War 1 had ended, Hitler convinced all the Germans that the Jews were scapegoats. The Nazi’s then used negative propagandas to discriminate the Jews every possible way. Hitler convinced all the Nazi’s about saying negative things about the Jews, Hitler brainwashed the Nazi’s which they began to hate the Jews. The Germans needed a saviour which Hitler came and took upon this role. Due to the fact that all the brainwashing Hitler started to do to the Germans so they were able to hate the Jews. The propagandas were so successful that it led to Hitler making the laws. By the propagandas being successful and the new laws made by Hitler this led the Jews dying in the holocaust. The holocaust is the name given to the slaughter of six million people, mostly Jews, during the Second War. Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Quotes About the Importance of Words
Quotes About the Importance of Words Words can incite anger or invoke passion. They can bring people together or tear them apart. Words can uphold the truth or nurture a lie. We use words to encompass history, to describe the natural universe, and even to conjure realistic visions of things that exist only in fantasy. In fact, in some mythology, spoken words are thought to be so powerful that they can create worlds, creatures, and human beings. Here are some quotes about words from writers, poets, political figures, philosophers, and other notable minds. All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.- Kahlil Gibran (from Sand and Foam) As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence.- Benjamin Franklin Be careful of the words you say,Keep them short and sweet.You never know, from day to day,Which ones youll have to eat.- Anonymous A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign of intelligence.- Barbara Walters But words are things, and a small drop of ink,Falling like dew, upon a thought, producesThat which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.- George Gordon, Lord Byron By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.- Jean Baptiste Girard Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure.- Edward Thorndike Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less.- Robert E. Lee For me, words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. Their articulation represents a complete, lived experience.- Ingrid Bengis The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.- Luke 6:45 Good words are worth much, and cost little.- George Herbert However many holy words you read,However many you speak,What good will they do youIf you do not act on upon them?- Buddha I like good strong words that mean something.- Louisa May Alcott (from Little Women) If language is as inextricably tied up with consciousness as it seems to be, then the continuing diminishment of our inclination to use it to express in letters the times in which we live could mean that an element of human consciousness itself is on the verge of disappearing.- Anonymous If words are to enter mens minds and bear fruit, they must be the right words shaped cunningly to pass mens defenses and explode silently and effectually within their minds.- J. B. Phillips If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.- Nelson Mandela If you would be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams- the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.- Robert Southey In a sense, words are encyclopedias of ignorance because they freeze perceptions at one moment in history and then insist we continue to use these frozen perceptions when we should be doing better.- Edward de Bono It has not been for nothing that the word has remained mans principal toy and tool: without the meanings and values it sustains, all mans other tools would be worthless.- Lewis Mumford It seems to me that those songs that have been any good, I have nothing much to do with the writing of them. The words have just crawled down my sleeve and come out on the page.- Joan Baez Its always a bit of a struggle to get the words right, whether were a Hemingway or a few fathoms below his level.- Rene J. Cappon Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world.- Lawrence G. Lovasik The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.- Thomas Jefferson My task which I am trying to achieve is by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel- it is, before all, to make you see. That- and no more, and it is everything.- Joseph Conrad Often when I write I am trying to make words do the work of line and color. I have the painters sensitivity to light. Much ... of my writing is verbal painting.- Elizabeth Bowen One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you cant utter.- James Earl Jones Our words should be purrs instead of hisses.- Kathrine Palmer Peterson Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.- Kahlil Gibran The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.- Dorothy Nevill The six most important words: I admit I made a mistake.The five most important words: You did a good job.The four most important words: What is your opinion?The three most important words: If you please.The two most important words: Thank you.The one least important word: I.- Anonymous So difficult it is to show the various meanings and imperfections of words when we have nothing else but words to do it with.- John Locke The teachings of elegant sayings should be collected when one can. For the supreme gift of words of wisdom, any price will be paid.- Siddha Nagarjuna To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what its about, but the music the words make.- Truman Capote Words are the model, words are the tools, words are the boards, words are the nails.- Richard Rhodes Watch your thoughts, they become your wordsWatch your words, they become your actionsWatch your actions, they become your habitsWatch your habits, they become your characterWatch your character, it becomes your destiny.- Anonymous When I read great literature, great drama, speeches, or sermons, I feel that the human mind has not achieved anything greater than the ability to share feelings and thoughts through language.- James Earl Jones A word is deadWhen it is said,Some say.I say it justBegins to liveThat day.- Emily Dickinson (A Word is Dead) Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment.- Learned Hand Words are not as satisfactory as we should like them to be, but, like our neighbors, we have got to live with them and must make the best and not the worst of them.- Samuel Butler Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad.- Manly Hall Words are the most powerful thing in the universe... Words are containers. They contain faith, or fear, and they produce after their kind.- Charles Capps Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.- Jim Rohn Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.- Alfred, Lord Tennyson Words may show a mans wit, but actions his meaning.- Benjamin Franklin Words- so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become, in the hands of one who knows how to combine them!- Nathaniel Hawthorne A writer lives in awe of words for they can be cruel or kind, and they can change their meanings right in front of you. They pick up flavors and odors like butter in a refrigerator.- Anonymous You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police. Yet in their hearts there is unspoken- unspeakable!- fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts! Words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home, all the more powerful because they are forbidden. These terrify them. A little mouse- a little tiny mouse!- of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.- Winston Churchill
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
6 Strategies to Successfully Pass a School Bond
6 Strategies to Successfully Pass a School Bond A school bond provides a financial avenue for school districts to meet an immediate specified need. These specified needs can range from a new school, classroom building, gymnasium, or cafeteria to repairing an existing building, new buses, upgrades in classroom technology or security, etc. A school bond issue must be voted on by the members of the community in which the school is located. Most states require a three-fifths (60%) super-majority vote to pass a bond. If the school bond passes, property owners in the community will foot the bill for the bond issue through increased property taxes. This can create a dilemma for voters in the community and is why many proposed bond issues do not receive enough â€Å"yes†votes to pass. It takes a lot of dedication, time, and hard work to pass a bond issue. When it passes it was well worth it, but when it fails it can be extremely disappointing. There is no exact science for passing a bond issue. However, there are strategies that when implemented can help improve the chances that the bond issue will pass. Build a Foundation The district superintendent and the school board are often the driving forces behind a school bond issue. They are also responsible for getting out into the community, building relationships, and keeping people informed about what is happening with the district. It is vital to have good standing relationships with powerful civic groups and key business owners within a community if you want your bond to be passed. This process should be continuous and ongoing over time. It should not happen just because you’re trying to pass a bond. A strong superintendent will make their school the focal point of the community. They will work hard to forge those relationships that will pay off in times of need. They will make community involvement a priority inviting members into the school not only see what is going on but to become a part of the process themselves. Potentially passing a bond issue is just one of the many rewards that come with this holistic approach to community involvement. Organize and Plan Perhaps the most crucial aspect of passing a school bond is to be well organized and to have a solid plan in place. This begins with forming a committee that is as dedicated to seeing the bond passed as you are. It is necessary to note that most states prohibit schools from using their own resources or time to lobby on behalf of a bond issue. If teachers or administrators are to participate on the committee, it must be on their own time. A strong committee will consist of school board members, administrators, teachers, advisory councils, business leaders, parents, and students. The committee should be kept as small as possible so that a consensus can be reached easier. The committee should discuss and create a detailed plan on all aspects of the bond including timing, finances, and campaigning. A specific task should be given to each committee member to carry out according to their individual strengths. A school bond campaign should start approximately two months before the vote is scheduled to occur. Everything occurring in those two months should be well thought out and planned in advance. No two bond campaigns are the same. It is likely that parts of the plan will have to be abandoned or changed after realizing that the approach is not working. Establish a Need It is essential to establish a real need in your bond campaign. Most districts have a list of projects that they believe need to be completed. When deciding what you are going to put in the bond it is vital to look at two factors: immediate need and investment in your student body. In other words, put projects on the ballot that will resonate with voters who understand the value of education and show them there is a need. Make those connections apart of your campaign and bundle things where appropriate. If you are trying to build a new gymnasium, package it as a multipurpose facility that will not only serve as a gymnasium but as a community center and auditorium so that it can be used by all students and not just a select few. If you are trying to pass a bond for new buses, be prepared to explain how much money you are currently spending to maintain your bus fleet that is outdated and run down. You can even use a deteriorated bus in your campaign by parking it in front of the school with information about the bond. Be Honest It is essential to be honest with the constituents in your district. Property owners want to know how much their taxes are going to go up if the bond issue is passed. You should not skirt around this issue. Be direct and honest with them and always use the opportunity to explain to them what their investment will do for students in the district. If you are not honest with them, you may pass the first bond issue, but it will be more difficult when you try to pass the next one. Campaign! Campaign! Campaign! When campaigning begins it is beneficial to keep the message simple. Be specific with your message including the voting date, how much the bond is for, and some simple highlights of what it will be used for. If a voter asks for more information, then be prepared with more details. Campaigning efforts should be holistic with a goal of getting the word out to every registered voter in the district. Campaigning occurs in many different forms, and each form may reach a different subset of constituents. Some of the most popular forms of campaigning include: Build a Website – Create a website that gives voters detailed information about the bond issue.Campaign Signs/Posters – Put campaign signs in supporters’ yards and posters in high traffic locations such as the post office.Speaking Engagements – Schedule speaking engagements with civic groups in the community such as the Senior Citizen Center, Masonic Lodge, etc.Organize a Voter Registration Drive – A voter registration drive allows you to recruit newcomers and potential supporters who might not vote otherwise.Door to Door Canvassing – Simple word of mouth campaigning may make the difference especially in reminding voters to get to the polls.Telephone Committee – A simple way to poll voters in the community as well as to inform them about the bond issue and to remind them to vote.Direct Mail – Send flyers highlighting the bond issue out a few days before the vote.Media – Use the media to get the message out when possible. Focus on Uncertainty There are some constituents that have their minds made up on a bond issue before you even decide to do it. Some people always vote yes, and some people always vote no. Do not waste time on trying to convince the â€Å"no†votes that they should vote â€Å"yes†. Instead, focus on getting those â€Å"yes†votes to the polls. However, it is most valuable to invest your time and effort on those in the community that have not decided. Visit with those on the fence 3-4 times throughout the campaign to try and sway them to vote â€Å"yes†. They are the people who will ultimately decide whether the bond passes or fails.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
What Can Be Done with Violence against Women Essay
What Can Be Done with Violence against Women - Essay Example The International Women’s Human Right Foundation has defined Human right with regard to Women in several ways. First under the umbrella called The Universal Declaration of Human Rights  it has been stated  that "everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or another opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or another status." (Article 2).secondly, The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women states that "violence against women means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." (Article 1) It further asserts that states have an obligation to " exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and, in accor dance with national legislation, punish acts of violence against women, whether those acts are perpetrated by the State or by private persons." (Article 4-c).the third and last definition is from The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Here, discrimination against women has been defined as any "distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women. This is irrespective of their marital status, on the basis of equality between men and women, of human rights or fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field." Â
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The use of time travel, style, and setting in SlaughterhouseFive help Essay
The use of time travel, style, and setting in SlaughterhouseFive help characterize its main character Billy Pilgrim - Essay Example Vonnegut uses time travel throughout the novel and this allowed him to relate seemingly unrelated events. In Slaughterhouse Five: Reforming the Novel and the World Jerome Klinkowitz says the time traveling narrative style of Slaughterhouse Five revolutionized the novel and had a profound impact on literary style around the world (76). But first, in order to fully explore how and perhaps why Vonnegut used time travel to tell the story of Billy Pilgrim, it is important to first understand a bit about Vonnegut himself. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was born 11/11/1922 into a prominent midwestern family. The family saw significant financial hardships during the Depression that led Vonnegut's father to discourage him from a career "in the arts". He majored in chemistry and biochemistry at Cornell University but lost his draft deferment in 1943 at the height of WW II so he enlisted in army. His mother committed suicide on Mother's Day in 1944 right before the young Vonnegut was shipped to Europe (Klinkowitz iix). On 12/19/1944 he was captured and put to work in a factory in Dresden where he lived with fellow prisoners of war in an underground meat locker. It was this unlikely shelter that proved to be salvation for Vonnegut during the controversial firebombing of Dresden on February 13th 1945. German casualties were estimated at 135,000 to 250,000 and Vonnegut and his fellow prisoners inherited the grisly job of helping the German army clean up the dead (Klinkowitz 93).After the war he resumed his education at t he University of Chicago, where he studied anthropology, Vonnegut spent the next twenty-five years writing with varying degrees of success but the desire to write a novel about the nightmares of Dresden never left him. He struggled to tell this horrific story and even remarks in the book that "there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre" (Allen 77). In 1969, during the height of the Vietnam War, Slaughterhouse Five was published and embraced by the war weary American public. Vonnegut's tale of life, death, war and the tragic human experience became a best seller and is considered a modern literary classic. Kurt Vonnegut's black comedic style makes Slaughterhouse Five a sardonic epic about the human experience. The unique use of time travel allows for a depth of character development in Billy Pilgrim that a chronological tale simply would not accommodate. Vonnegut also uses time to incorporate himself into the story using the first and last chapters of the book as his monologue. This allowed him to personally comment on issues ranging from alcohol, getting old, life, death, war and even Bobby Kennedy. It seems he used Slaughterhouse Five as a way to explore his own humanity and in various ways he lets his audience know that he and Pilgrim are one in the same. For instance, he talks about the character Lazzaro as someone he knew in Dresden. The knapsack, the plaster Eiffel Tower, the wagon full of clocks, the birds, all snips of images to come later in the book. In the first chapter of Slaughterhouse Five Vonnegut discusses the difficulty he had writing the book and eludes to the demons he has faced since his Dresden experience. He talks about getting too drunk and calling old friends late at night and it seems neither his friends nor his wife really understands. The reader gets the feeling right at the outset that Vonnegut, like Pilgrim feels out of place in the world, like a "foreigner" or
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Amoco Cadiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Amoco Cadiz - Essay Example It persisted in the form of asphalt crust and continued rescinding marine life. The spill affected vacationer’s shores at Plougasnou and rock beaches of Perros-Guirec and Tregastel. The rough sea contributed to the rapid emulsification of water and oil, which further convoluted the cleanup scuffles making the sea wary forever. Devastatingly, fishermen continued fishing despite the sheer fact that fish had developed skin tumors and ulcerations (Patrick, 1982). Despite destroying marine ecosystem, the tragedy transpired through the food chain into human beings and affected several generations. Two weeks after Amoco Cadiz grounded, its effects were felt far-flung and evident. Simmering with indignation, inhabitants of injured communities initiated a frantic battle against the mischance (Patrick,1982). Despite the French media’s attempt to verbose the apocalyptic images of the enormous oil slick, the entire nation was traumatized with the tragedy. Astilleros, the manufacturer, was indicted under the tort of negligence where the affected local communities and the government received 190 million euros after 14 years of multifaceted proceedings. The significant effects of the tragedy gave the French government an inordinate opportunity to review its Polmar Plan (oil response strategy), to create Cedre, and acquired Polmar stocks. This was in an effort to curb future marine accidents and augment environmental fortification and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Soundtracks In The Movie Industry Film Studies Essay
Soundtracks In The Movie Industry Film Studies Essay What are the major conventions and functions of the classical soundtrack, and how have these been challenged by filmmakers and composers working outside of this tradition? Soundtrack in the movie industry terminology is a contraction of the term sound track. This is an audio recording which is created or used in the film production industry or in post production. The dialogue, the music and the sound effects in a film have their own separate tracks i.e. the soundtrack, dialogue track and the music track. This mixed together are called the composite track. It is what is heard in the film. When a film is dubbed into another language, a dubbing track is created. This is also known as an ME (music and effects) track. It contains all the sound elements without dialogue. It is later supplied by a foreign distributor in the native language of the territory. This contraction soundtrack came into the public consciousness with the coming of the soundtrack albums in the early 1950s. The movie companies first saw it as a promotional gimmick for new films. The film is a visual medium and yet also like many of the other contemporary media it happens to be audio visual. It employs sound as an integral element of the sensual experience. The image predominance stems partly from the history of films. This was so until the mid 1920s, three decades after the motion pictures were invented that the technology became developed so as to produce films with recorded soundtracks. Film with recorded sound became standard so quickly after the first largely successful film was featured with soundtrack in 1927. We will analyze the traditional use of sound. What is the purpose and the effect of sound that is added to the image pictures? We will also analyze other alternative practices that exist and how they are used in conjunction with the common approaches to sound. It is not surprising that sound has been used to reinforce the classical cinema mode. This has shaped the techniques that are dominant in cinematography and editing. Sound will often increase the sense of presence and the immediate need. To be able to achieve this sound and the image must be closely related. They work together to achieve a meaning or an effect. Images and soundtracks in the film are two components that are distinct and are usually produced in part separately from one another. Due to the fact that there has been technological growth in sound capabilities audio recording and playback have really expanded. There has therefore been a tendency of rely more on postproduction of sound work as there has been increased technological advancements in audio recording and playback. There has been therefore great necessity to create an impression that the sounds that are heard are natural and are produced by the actions and the environments that are shown by the film. To achieve t his sound effect, it will serve to increasingly enhance the intensity of the sensual effects and also promote that sense of verisimilitude. Below are some of the ways through which the sound serves these two main functions. The main sounds that make a soundtrack are three. There is the human voice, sound effects and music. Music and the sound effects are the two most applied in the production of the heightened sensory experience. In the mainstream cinema, the sound effects are designed so as to reinforce the narrative realism. They may appear to be natural but in the real sense, along with the other sound elements, they are crafted with care so as to focus attention on some particular aspects of the image or the action and also to influence the response of the viewers to them. We can therefore conclude that sound effects do support a sense of realism. The dense and accentuated sound emphasis are associated with the key actions or the settings and do not necessarily provide the natural production of the sound one would hear in such a situation. In accordance to the prevailing sound film conventions, music does not follow the prescriptions of realism in similar ways. There are conventions which have background music that do not in any ways relate to the theme of the story. We in fact always expect musical score that goes hand in hand with film as a non digetic element. The academy awards do include categories for best score. If we do employ a number of the conventions and the conventions the moviegoers have planned to respond to this in a certain way. Claudia Gorbman is cited in his seminal work (Gorbman, seminal work- unheard melodies) explaining how the background music, or rather the score serves as the signifier of emotion in the cinema. A good example of this is the melodrama. A 19th century genre is an original, as suggested by the name à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"melo-dramaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ is a play that includes music as the essential element. The orchestra would be in place to accompany the play; the drama action would be interlaced with melodies that would function almost in the same way as the emotional punctuation. Any time the dramatic action would lead to a moment of sadness, the orchestra would be brought in the break in the dialogue and underscore the effects of emotion with a melody that is appropriate. When for example the drama gets to a climatic highpoint, a melody that is dramatic would come so as to help ratchet the suspense in the place. The melodramatic importance of accompanying music is now a standard technique both in the melodramatic films and for all the genres in the classical cinema. While the crucial function may as well be to guide and also enhance the emotional responses, the scores of music will as well contribute to that sense of continuity. This is central to classical cinema. This score will indeed help to smoothen over the necessary breaks and the gaps that are in the films continuity such as including the cuts from one scene unto the next, or even a jump in story over a given period of time. Music may be used to fill in the gaps that exist; it may repeat the musical intents to inculcate into the viewer the significance and/or the connection existing between the various events. In any of the instances, when music actually serves its purpose it does not intend to draw attention back to itself. As Much as classical style of editing of this continuity system tries to make the breaks and the gaps not to be seen, the score of music of the classical narratives of the cinema attempts to remain inaudible. In the instances when music functions according to these guidelines, it is following the tradition of continuity. CW serves to distinguish between the two traditions of film sound. This tradition of continuity will adhere to the principle of classical cinema, as we have realized in the topics highlighted previously, they are dominant in every area of film: an example, as the image presence is the dominating tradition in cinematography, or the temporal and the spatial continuity as primary objectives of the editing responsibility. Sound montage on the other hand will serve to free up sound from the subservient responsibility as company to the image narrative and allows it to stand in for right of itself. Instead of merging the soundtrack to narrative flow of images, the montage approach will divide the sound and let it to speak in separation, this provides distance to the story on the film, this will offer among many other things, the opportunity for a thought that is reflective or a critical analysis on the film events. We will go through the formal details of the sound, it is important to indicate how the montage techniques will work in concert with the common culture of continuity to yield a meaning or provide emphasis without altering the basic principle of the classical cinema. The topic of sound grants an opportunity to work with some concepts that are basic of the film form. Looking at some of these cases, the concepts can actually apply to the other film elements not related to sound. These terms which are discussed here are vital for utilization in the individual sequence analyses for week two films. This term synchronous sound refers to the parts of the soundtrack that do correspond in direct proportion and spontaneously to that which is happening on the screen. One of the most common examples of this is the normal dialogue. We do see the speaker moving their lips and the thing that is being said is usually heard at the same instance at the other end of the soundtrack. This will apply also to other sources of sound as well. The door will slam and we will hear the sound, the cannon will be fired and we eventually hear the blast. Speaking strictly, voices will perhaps be synchronous sounds although we may not see the lips moving. Giving an example, soldiers in a movie of war may be shouting and also screaming at the same time as they attack the position of the enemy. We actually do see the scene from a distant position; we do understand how to connect voices to the charging of the soldiers although we do not actually see the movement of their lips. For an example, a movie concerni ng journalists, we will hear the sound of the finger movement typing on the keyboard and the film will at the same time show a scene of the reporter and topic of coverage. These are good examples of asynchronous sounds. A point out is that some analysts will prefer the differentiation of the onscreen appearance and effects and at the same time the off-screen effects. Both sides of the set is fine, however the latter suggests the way synchronous is to be used in a specific sense when we are referring to the film sound. An example, in a conversation situation, the camera may be maintained on the face of first speaker although they may have already finished their speech and the present speaker is responding in an off-screen position. The man on the camera may choose to maintain the camera on the first speaker so as to show the reaction (could be the emotional reaction) to the response that is given. Though the words of the other speaker will be heard as they are uttered in narration or speech, they will come from off the screen and will technically be in consideration asynchronous of sound. Rather than to rehash the explanation, we will refer to the instance of sound, Apocalypse Now and then let you distinguish as to whether these sounds are synchronous or asynchronous and also an example of the parallelism. Opening sequence we see Willard lying in bed and from his subjective point of view see a shot of the ceiling fan above him, while we hear the chop-chop-chop sound of helicopter blades on the soundtrack. Is this synchronous or asynchronous sound and is it an instance of parallelism or counterpoint? [You will find the answer in the larger discussion of this sequence in the essay on Apocalypse Now. One of the other important distinctions which have wide use in the film analysis is that between diegetic and the non diegetic. Diegesis usually refers to the world of the films story. For example, when Annie sings a song at a nightclub, as she does twice in Annie Hall, the songs are diegetic sound. In Do the Right Thing there are several examples of diegetic music, coming directly from the radio station or from one of the various radios or boom boxes found in the film. At times, it is even hard to distinguish when the music is diegetic and when not. But a good example of when it is nondeigetic is the opening credits sequence, where Rosie Perez dances in changing settings, costumes, and lighting to Public Enemys Fight the Power. The song is actually heard many (one)times throughout this movie, most often diegetically, however in the opening scene, it is strictly non diegetic. Looking the other hand, I think we can assume that the Doors song The End in the opening sequence of Apocalyp se Now is diegetic.
Friday, October 25, 2019
gattom Importance of the Automobile in The Great Gatsby Essay
The Importance of the Automobile in The Great Gatsby  F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby was written about a time of gaiety for a certain set of people. One of the major thematic aspects of the book is driving and the automobile. At the time the book was written the car had begun its establishment as a national institution. This is apparent in one of the central events in the book. Tom's unfaithfulness first comes to light from a car accident in Santa Barbara. He misguides the car and the misdirection of his life is made glaringly evident. The automobile affected Fitzgerald and it influenced the writing in The Great Gatsby. Driving is equated with living. Nick Carraway, describing their ill-fated trip from New York in Chapter Seven of The Great Gatsby says, "...we drove on toward death..."(143) This is both literal and metaphorical. They were driving toward the horrific scene of Myrtle's death. The entire novel deals with living, which is a movement toward death. Driving becomes a metaphor for living. Automotive transport becomes the rhetoric for describing everything. Even nature is related to automobiles. Nick describes the season in terms of elements associated with cars. "Already it was deep summer on roadhouse roofs and in front of wayside garages where new red gas-pumps sat in pools of light..."(25). For these people driving is about the new way of getting around quickly and living life fully. No one is exempt from being touched by the influence of cars. Fitzgerald incorporates the automotive metaphor into every aspect of his novel. This is especially evident when Fitzgerald describes people. Often the basic terminology used is automotive related. Daisy describes Tom as a "great big hulking physical specim... ...ed" that draws the automobile metaphor into it. It is the hit and run style of living that makes The Great Gatsby such a wonderful book, and Fitzgerald's continuous use of cars helps to keep this a vivid image. Works Cited Berman, Ronald. The Great Gatsby and Modern Times. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1994. Dillon, Andrew. "The Great Gatsby: The Vitality of Illusion." Arizona Quarterly 44.1 (1988): 49-61. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York. New York.: Scribner., 1995. Godden, Richard. "The Great Gatsby: Glamor on the Turn." Journal of American Studies 16.3 (1982): 343-371. Mizener, Arthur, ed. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1963. Trilling, Lionel. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Critical Essays on Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby." Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston: Hall, 1984. 13-20.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Library System Documentation Essay
A. Introduction A computer plays a vital role in our life and in our society. Business and some government agencies have long been using computer-based system. In schools and private office computer plays a vital role in their advancement and development. With the emergence of computer technology. Efficiency and accuracy were achieved. Even with the emergence of this technology, there are still many establishments today which still are used manual system in their operations. With the problems being encountered, such as inaccurate results and workloads, computers will of great help. Through an automated system, problems will be lessened with ease accuracy and efficiency. The Library, being the focal point for academic in college and university campuses plays a vital role in the academic development of the students and faculty alike. It has the basic function of aiding the parent institution in carrying-out its objectives by acquiring and making the books, materials and services available when needed. With the rapid and advancement in computer technology. Traditional library function is now being updated using current technology concepts. Libraries are now faced with the challenge of providing effective access to the rapidly growing resources in electronic form. B.Problem Statement Mabini Educational Institution Library faces the following problems: * Manual in locating and knowing the availability of the books. * Manual in knowing the list of employee * Less efficient and Time consuming. * Unmanageable record and list of books. * The Library clerk has delayed response to the inquiry. * The librarian needs enough time to track down the borrowed book. C.Objective The objective of the study is to propose a computerized library system as well as a system design that could be used by MABINI EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. D.Hypothesis The system will not be able to provide and develop a computerized library system. It will not be able to increase security in terms of record keeping.The system will not to be able to easily track down number of available books. The system will not be able to save time in updating book records. E.Significance of the Study The study can help lessen problems that are presently encountered by the said school. For the school (& the people behind the management of the library system particularly the librarian), this would help in minimizing the loss of book records being encountered in the existing library. Creating reports would be easier for the librarian. For the student and teachers, this would save time in verifying whether the books is available or not. For the researchers to enhance and likewise develop their skills and talents in analyzing system needs designing a computerized system and as a programmer developing a software. This study will also serve a reference for the future researches who will conduct a similar study. F.Scope and Delimitation The study entitled â€Å"Computerized Library System of MABINI EDUCATIONAL INSTUITUTION†focuses mainly in the transaction of arrival of books, borrowing of books, returned books and the overdue. It will also include the monitoring of books and generating of books records. The system would have information about the student and the books they borrowed or returned. Details about the book would also be included in the system such as call number, title, author, and the accession number. The system would have monitor of the book with a penalty. The system will only limit its study in the MEI balele branch. The Proposed system does not include the catalogue system, borrowing other materials such as thesis, manuscript, newspaper, magazines and etc. because of time constraint. CHAPTER 2 A.REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES Local Studies Wilson Banga and Connie Kou, made an information system. The study eliminates the present problems and procedures and efficient and reliable result. The study includes all records from first year to fourth yea, the alumni record and the personal record applicable to registrar’s office. Maria Teresa Lumban (2000) made a library system. The Proposed library system for Lipa City National Library was made to prove that computer could be useful in solving problems arising from the increasing demand of library users. It is a window database that runs through Windows 98 operating system. The system uses peer-to-peer networking and is set-up on star topology. Billy Dimaculangan (2000), made a library system. The system shows the computerized library system of Mabini Academy High school Department and used the peer-to-peer networking in windows 98. Elmer Tanyo (2000), made a automated card catalogue system. Just like an ordinary manual catalogue system, libraries have option to delete, add, record in card catalogue order to update the catalogue. The software also has the option to reserve our borrow book. Julius Luna (2001), made a library system. The proposed system consists of two major components card cataloging and users-monitoring system. The card cataloging system serves information on book acquisitions and call number. It is capable of accessing the location of individual’s volumes. Foreign Studies According to Charles Deavor (1991), the automated card catalogue for library is open to access the shelves and the facility to borrow means that much of use modern library is at the free choice of reader, scholars and scientist continue to emphasize the value of browsing among shelves of well-arranged library. Eileen Merith (1992), made library system. The system was develop through HTML, and Java the Galileo project will create standard friendly user computerized community information system. Thus computerized information system consolidate social service, health, care, training, and job information in an interface that average citizens and system participants can use. They also have the information that enrollment system tax a completed introductory program application from the community service. Robert Kingsley (1995), made an inquiry system. The system was developing through Java and HTML. The system aims to provide convenient and comprehensive advantages, their effectiveness revolved around the availability of machine information, specially two types of machine readable information one indentifying the browser and the other indentifying the items to b changed. CHAPTER 3 A.Theoretical Framework B.Conceptual Framework C.Methodology This Computerized Library System is recommended to Mabini Educational Institution High school. This Computerized Library System is design to help those MEI student, teachers, other Personnel , and other concerned people so many persons will be benefited . For the school, it will help to have a secure assurance of borrowing books from the library and can easily detect the borrowed books. For the librarian, do not need to consume or use up more time to handle of manage data and to produce a report on library manually. The personnel can organized and find the book easily. For the student, it will borrow book in much easier way. It does not have to fill up again the library card, a computerized library system is much better than the present library system which is in manual form. The System is not intended to changes all the principle details and methods of borrowing books from the library but rather to improve it in much accurate and reliable form .
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