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Issue in Accounting Theory

Question: What is the Issue in Accounting Theory ? Answer : Presentation This paper means to give a basic investigation of the a...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Emotional Intelligence And Social Skill - 1592 Words

Within Emotional Intelligence, which was discussed in my previous tenet, there are several components. Empathy and social skill are two specific components within Emotional Intelligence that tie in nicely with the tenet of being empathetic. In order to be empathetic with another individual, one must have social skill. Social skill is defined as â€Å"proficiency in managing relationships and building networks that can be expanded in a source of persuasiveness† (Goleman 103). Being able to hold a conversation with someone can slowly build a relationship in which that person is more comfortable in revealing his or her issues to you. If a leader is able to do this with his subordinates, than his or her subordinates will feel more inclined to approach them in a more personalized manner. This can ultimately lead to an empathetic conversation that can reveal as to why a person is going through a certain trouble or hardship. After building this relationship with the subordinate, a le ader can then empower them to lead which is an aspect that falls within what makes an authentic leader (George et al. 152). If a leader is able to display this to their subordinates, it can build resiliency in the subordinates which is a trait that any leader would want in their group. An empathetic leader can also instill self-regulation that provides a sense of well-being in the affective domain of the resiliency model. The affective domain consists of self-regulatory factors that are involved in theShow MoreRelatedEmotional Intelligence And Interpersonal Intelligence912 Words   |  4 PagesEmotional Intelligence Picture a world where humans could not understand each other’s feelings. It looks pretty bleak, right? Luckily, humans do have the ability to comprehend others’ facial and body expressions, emotions, and language. 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